A planner for Gen-Z


Hangtight is a social coordination app designed to help Gen-Z and Millennials plan real-life hangouts. It suggests times, activities, and locations based on user preferences, making it easy to connect.

When I joined the project, the startup had completed user research and initial still-screen designs. Collaborating with the founders and design team, I led the prototyping phase for the request and response flows. We developed prototypes and conducted multiple user testing rounds—both moderated and unmoderated. Following this, I refined the interface and micro-animations, which are showcased below.

Experience Design | Wireflows | Prototyping | User Testing | User Interface


Product Designer


2 Co-founders
3 Designers



Research Insights

The current app effectively organizes coordination but feels rigid, with excessive dropdown options that don’t always suit the situation. In contrast, texting—a common method for planning hangouts—offers flexibility but lacks the intelligence to identify and suggest mutual preferences. The challenge is to combine flexibility, structure, and mutual preference recognition into a seamless experience.


The existing request flow’s reliance on multiple dropdowns causes decision fatigue, making initiation feel like a chore and reducing user engagement and retention.


The current response flow feels impersonal and lengthy, resembling a support bot rather than a conversation. Users face unnecessary barriers before reaching the chat feature.

Gamify planmaking

Gamify planmaking

Initiate a plan with
'who, what, when, where' rows.

Initiate a plan with
'who, what, when, where' rows.



Make initiation effortless by simplifying the request flow with a "Roll-The-Dice" button that auto-suggests mutual preferences.

Make initiation effortless by simplifying the request flow with a "Roll-The-Dice" button that auto-suggests mutual preferences.

Two ways to respond

Invite Card or Integelligent Chat

Hang Out Invite carousel

Intelligent Chat

Invite Card

Reduce cognitive load with 3 responses:
Yes, Edit & No

Left: Confirm | Center: Edit | Right: Raincheck

Rejection strategy

Rejection strategy

Redirect rejection negativity to other available friends through a trivia game.

Redirect rejection negativity to other available friends through a trivia game.

Response_rejected continue

Merged design pattern

Establish familiarity between request and response design patterns to reduce the learning curve


Allow texting earlier in the flow

Streamline the flow to reduce decision fatigue

Framed_Flow_After Framed_Flow_After

Left: Existing response flow, Right: Proposed response flow

Hangtight Component_Autosuggestion

Intelligent coordination

Intelligent coordination

Cross-calendar chat integration automatically suggests and updates based on chat activity

Cross-calendar chat integration automatically suggests and updates based on chat activity

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